All shipments need to be sent with an associated shipment number. Raw Fulfillment and New Listing shipments can be created with the associated placeholder item. Please see our FAQ for further instructions on how to create these types of shipments.
Put items in your shipment in the order of your shipment invoice. Failure to do so may result in a raw fulfillment fee being charged.
Shipments for newly released products must arrive three-days before the products release date and EVO should be notified by the merchant at least one week prior to the release if you wish to have them available for sale on the release date.
Drop offs need to be scheduled two days in advance. Drop offs can only occur during normal business hours (M-F 9-5) and will need to be done at the designated drop off location. is not responsible for any items received but not recorded on the associated invoice (i.e. any extra item sent in with a shipment that is not keyed onto that shipment or any raw fulfillment items).
Shipments are processed by date of arrival only. No other priority can be given.
Any shipment marked in the "In Transit" status for 30 days or more will be automatically canceled. does not list damaged condition items on our site. If an item from your order is determined to be in damaged condition it will be removed from the order. Damaged items will be held for 30 days from the date the order completes processing. During that time you may request these items to be returned to you at your expense. For more information regarding our grading status please refer to our Product Condition Guide.
Shipments should be addressed to EVO and the shipping label needs to include the shipment number. is not responsible for any package that is lost due to failure to adhere to this policy. Packages received without a shipment number may be refused. This includes any shipments that are dropped off. We will have a general use PC set up to allow you to print the proper paperwork onsite; this must be completed with all required details before you leave the product.
If a package includes multiple shipments, please include all shipment numbers on the shipping label, and make sure that individual shipments are easily distinguishable. Otherwise the shipments may be charged a raw fulfillment fee.
Cards may not be shipped to our facility or dropped off in binders, 9-pocket pages, top-loaders, additional wrapping, or sleeves. This helps expedite the time it takes us to process your shipment. We reserve the right to refuse any shipment that does not adhere to this rule or charge a raw fulfillment fee for the shipment.
You may not send returns, buylist, etc. in the same package as your EVO shipment.
The shipping and handling cost of sending us your shipment is your responsibility. If your shipment arrives with postage due we will refuse the package.
We do not accept C.O.D.
Any package that arrives with customs due (this includes customs taxes, duties, or fees) will automatically be refused.
No supplies sent in as packaging for an order (5ks, deck boxes, binders, sleeves, etc.) can be returned. is not responsible for any packages lost or damaged during transit. If your package arrives at our facility with obvious damage we will refuse the delivery and you will be responsible for contacting the shipping company to file a claim. We strongly suggest that you use a shipping method that includes both delivery confirmation as well as insurance.
Monthly fees will be charged to your account on the 1st of each month. All fees will be deducted from your EVO account balance.
Storage fees will be charged on any item that remains unsold for more than 30 days from the date the inventory goes live (meaning when the items become available in your inventory manager for pricing). A storage fee of $0.005 (1/2 of a cent) per item will be charged every month beyond the first until the item sells or is otherwise removed from your inventory.
An Add New Item fee will be charged for any item sent in for processing that does not currently have a listing on our website. A fee of $5.00 per item will be charged for each product that requires a listing to be created.
Raw Fulfillment shipments are processed at a fee of $0.15 per item. This fee will be automatically deducted from your merchant balance once the shipment completes processing.
If you do not have enough funds in your current EVO account balance to cover the fee charged your account balance will be overdrawn for the remaining amount owed.
When your account becomes overdrawn you will be given 30 days to settle your account. At our discretion, all inventory both active and pending may be held to cover your owed balance.
Payments by check are made out to the payment name you provide at the time you create your EVO account. For security reasons checks can only be made payable to the account holder.
Items are sold at the price designated by the merchant. is not responsible for any merchant pricing errors. No refunds or returns will be permitted.
When dropping off shipments at our building, you are required to have printed paperwork for each shipment and additionally two master lists of shipments included in the drop (one for you, one for us). If you happen to be dropping off for other parties, you will need to have separate lists for each merchant. You will need to point out the individual shipments while our receiving team checks off each shipment to verify it's presence. This does not serve as a full verification of the contents but will serve as a receipt of the shipment in general.